spacespacespace![]() ![]() A loud BOOOMING voice shouts down at you, and you can't find the source of it. Its Professor Viorel. ![]() YOU DUMB WHORE!! YOU DO NOT KNOW THE CHANTS! I instruct you to visit the LIBRARY and read up on your chants. The librarian will help you, I promise. NOW GO, NEWCOMER!! His voice quiets down, growing spiteful, My office is HERE, although don't fucking go in there unless its an emergency. Seriously. Ah, I wish you wouldn't yell at the students, Rocko.
I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE MY FIRST NAME AROUND STUDENTS! Whatever, Rocko Viorel. Anyways, I am Professor Iris, Professor Viorel's nicer counterpart. If you need help from me, click here to go to my office. I will be there to answer any questions you may have. Have a nice day, student.