
Here you find the Great Grand Library of the Church of Purple Cabbage.
Choose from our extensive library of texts and documents about PURPLE CABBAGE.

A friendly voice greets you. You can't tell if this voice is connected to a person or not.

Hellooo! Welcome to the library! I, Librarian Loanthe, will serve you and check out any books you would like to read. When you click into a book, click on the page to turn the page and go to the next one!

I heard about what happened with you and Professor Viorel. I am so sorry on the behalf of the entire CHURCH- I don't know how such behavior is tolerated here... this is supposed to be a safe space!! Well, the LIBRARY is always a safe place for anyone who wants to spend some time here and read. You included. Come on in.

THE HOLY BOOK (Read this one first)
The Chants
(Some notes written on the spine seemed to have been erased.)
Liber Brassica Oleracea Capitata F. Rubra
Earth-Forged Book of Magics
Bound Collection of the Studies of Ages
The Color Purple (not to be confused with the legendary novel by Alice Walker)
The Wild and Wonderful Anthocyanin