You were thrown into a dungeon. You find yourself in a cold, dark room full of garbage, leaky pipes and rats. You can sense a tired presence in the room with you.

Hello there... not many people come around these parts. I... am glad to see a new face. I haven't seen anyone in years, besides the kids Viorel throws in here. They all escape though. I can't.
I am Clemantis. Since Viorel can't hear anything in here, I am an old professor. Due to certain events... I was banished to here.
Now I am treated as a dungeon monster to eat the rebels! Its ridiculous! I won't eat you. You don't even have to worry about that, its so absurd.

Anyways, I'll help you out. Click HERE to return to Viorel's office. Not sure why you would like to, but sure. Go ahead. Click HERE for a better choice of an escape destination, Iris' office.

If you would like to know more about me, click HERE.